UMD’s general policies can be found at this link. The text below describes the principles I aim to follow in the practice of classroom world building.
Copyright and sharing
Class lectures and other materials may not be reproduced for anything other than personal use without written permission from the instructor. If you wish to record class discussions, you must get permission from each student who will be recorded as well as from the instructor.
Where course materials are shared publicly on the web, you are welcome to pass on the link to friends, but I ask that you check with me before making any other use of the material. It is a violation of both personal confidence and academic integrity to share other students’ work outside the context of this class without their explicit permission.
Your own work from this course is yours to use as you like.
Academic integrity
Academic dishonesty is a serious ethical violation and will not be tolerated. At the level of senior seminar, I assume that you are entering the class with a thorough understanding of what plagiarism is and of how to avoid it. If you have any questions or concerns about what constitutes plagiarism in the context of this course, I am happy to discuss this in class, over email, or in my office hours.